Food for the Social Media Soul

Twitter is magical. It can bring together people with similar interests and with a lil bit of creativity, can generate some wonderful ideas. Hence the case for Pizza Rustica, Victorian Truffles, Gino Rocco, and me. What began as an innocent … Continue reading

A (Marketing) Dream Come True!

Ahhhh, that moment when one of your dreams (personal or professional) comes true!  I’ve had a LOT of great things happen in my life (and yes, I’ve also had a lot of really really really crappy things happen). This week, add another great thing to my list!

Back-story: for the last 3 or 4 years, I have to admit…I watch The Bachelor/The Bachelorette on Monday nights.  For a few reasons:

1) It’s cheaper than therapy.  Just when I get down on myself or sad, I watch the show and think ‘nah, I’m good.  REALLY good,”

2) I would meet up with a dear friend and we would swap stories, eat yummy food and drink a few bottles of wine.

3) Particularly, over the last year, I came to know that @HuffPostWomen would do a recap on Tuesdays featuring various tweets about the show. 

Enter my goal – to have one of my tweets about The Bachelor/The Bachelorette included in that roundup.

Ladies and gents, Tuesday 1/14/14, the day one of my tweets was featured!  Not only that, but my twitter handle was included in the first 5. MAJOR.

You can read it here 🙂 Or for your viewing pleasure…




Now, on to my next dream (get one of the celeb crushes I follow on Twitter to notice me….oh wait, that may be in progress). Stay tuned!

I get by with a little help from my friends…

…and in particular, Nick! See my fancy-schmancy new header image? Yah, I did NOT create that. However, this awesome friend did 🙂 Now I owe him a bottle of Dom Perignon but he’ll have to settle for a Cook’s Brut.

Seriously though, find him on Twitter (@nickmoutvic) or head on over to his blog Chispired and while you are stalking, I mean checking out his awesomeness, just go to Facebook and like his page too (do it, I said DO IT!)

See that handsome fella - that's Nick.  He designed my header.  He's awesome.

**See that handsome fella – that’s Nick. He designed my header. He’s awesome.