Multitude of Mani-Mondays!

Given my busy schedule lately (not complaining, I thrive in chaos!) I haven’t posted my Mani-Monday’s in about 6 weeks. Sad.

Not one to disappoint, here is a montage of manis. Enjoy!

20140518-153332.jpgFunky reverse French – hot pink. White. Black. A lot of scotch tape and patience.



20140518-153434.jpgBonus Pedi!  Black base with white stripes and a little purple heart.

20140518-153454.jpg50 shades of grey 😉  Ok, kidding. It’s ombre!  White, light grey, dark grey, black.

20140518-153510.jpgLeopard and funky French tips. Whoah. Teal, silver, black.


I apologize but this is a quick and boring post.

Busy week ahead – work conference in Miami! Thus, not able to have funky nails.

Alas, it was the warmest day in Chicago in like 150 days (no joke) so in honor of Spring…
Pink nails!


Not just any pink nails. No, this… THIS is a pink nail polish which I picked up on my last work trip. To London. Ahh, fond memories!
Maybelline Super Stay 7 Days in Nude Rose:


And that, my blog followers, is my simple and sophisticated British mani for this week.
Cheers and happy polishing!


Oh hey there. I know… You all are deprived of my posts. Fear not. I am back!

This is a short and simple Mani-Monday!

Pink, white, black. Lots of scotch tape and lots of drying time.


And there you have it! A lil nail-inspiration. Enjoy and happy polishing.

Mani-Monday (and bonus Holiday pedi)

It’s mani (and pedi) time!

It’s the season, so to get a lil festive (and trust me, this is a lot for me… Just call me Miss Scrooge), I opted to do some Santa on my toes!
Red base, some white lines, black belt and silver belt buckle. If you can paint straight lines, you can go this!


As for my mani, I had 4 varying shades of shimmering golds/browns/bronzes. A quick nude base coat, a makeup sponge and quick application… Ta-da!



Well, now that Dancing with the Stars is over (don’t EVEN get me started on Derek), I have more free time to spend on this here bloggy thing. Just until the next season of The Bachelor begins….oh Juan 🙂

I digress.

This week for my handy-dandy mani (see what I did there!) is rather simple since I was returning from the holiday weekend. Just a base coat of Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in ‘Commander In Chic’ which is a twist of grey/mauve. Now of course I didn’t stop there…oh no. TIS THE SEASON FOR MAGICAL MANIS (sense my excitement).

Glitter tips…oh yes.

Not the french-mani glitter tips, and not the 4th grade glitter nail polish. Oh no. I’m *cough* 30 something and use adult glitter polishes. Like this one from Ulta (Chic Peek…and the name BE any awesomer?!)

Taaaaaa-daaaaa! Enjoy and happy polishing



It’s my weekly ritual… Watching Dancing with the Stars and giving myself a mani. (Don’t judge…. Ok, ok… judge away)

This week I opted for an appropriate dark maroon color, but for a lil WOWSA factor, painted one nail gold with a thin cross. Subtle. Sexy. Cool.

Enjoy and go eat some turkey and taters and pie!



Good-day folks! It’s been a while, I’m crazy busy… Which means I’ll have at least 4 blog posts to be writing! Alas, I’ve painted my nails. So let me present to you this week’s mani:

Two-tone green French mani (say that 3 times fast!) as you can see, the base coat is a fresh, minty green… Accented with a bright, Gumby-like green tip. Not exactly fallish, but I like to break stereotypes.



Mani-Monday (and bonus pedi)

I’m baaaaack! Ok, I’ve just been super busy the last month or so. But not too busy to do a lil mani-pedi action!

This week… I choose a glossy purple polish for my nails. Appropriate for Halloween.

Pedi – this gets fun! Opted to do an argyle print. In gold, black, and white. I must admit, I did this free-hand so if you want to complain about the not-so-straight lines. Save it 😉


Cheers and happy polishing!