European Adventure

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” ~Henry David Thoreau

You know that feeling of checking something off your bucket list and having a life long dream come true?
Yah, it is pretty magical!

I recently had the opportunity to travel to Europe.  A friend of mine already had plans to go, and well, YOLO*.  What began as a half-hearted ‘Let me look into it’ turned into a dream come true.  All my life, I always dreamed of being spontaneous, booking a flight to Europe, wandering around, just because.

“Not all those who wander are lost.” ~ J.R.R. Tolkien


I flew into Dublin and had a 12 hour layover (Dublin was SUPER cheap to fly into). Having only 12 hours to enjoy, I stopped at a nearby pub, made friends with the locals where I learned that Garth Brooks is still popular and taught my newly made friends what an Irish Car bomb is and what *YOLO means.

Then the next day, hopped a flight to Prague to meet up with my friend.

Prague, you win.

It is like a fairy-tale.  Very clean, preserved. It’s like walking back in time.  I had heard it is a beautiful city.  Words don’t do it justice.  It’s like walking through a real-like Hansel and Gretel. Although it isn’t a very touristy city (as in comparing to Rome with so many things to see and do) it is a nice, relaxing, walkable city that transport you into a dream.  Here are some pics to make you jealous:

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Plus the most magical souvenir of all (because I love puns!)


After 2 days (and I do say, 2 days was just enough to dabble in the gloriousness of the city, although 1 more day would have been perfect), it was back on a plane to head to Amsterdam.

This was just as I had imagined.  Canals lined with buildings. Bikes galore. Coffeeshops.  A tad disappointed upon our late arrival, hardly ANY restaurants were open past 10pm.  Why not eat some pizza then…after devouring pizza that would put any pizzeria in Italy to shame, back to the hotel to rest up for the next 2 days of touristy stuff!

From walking throughout the city to shopping to apple pie* to canal cruises to I Amsterdam to Heineken – I’ll be sure to make a trip back (I didn’t do the museums – I know SHAME!).  Maybe you’ll understand why – look at this!

DSCN0365  DSCN0493 DSCN0397  DSCN0427 DSCN0463  DSCN0490  DSCN0411apple pie

*this, THIS apple pie, looking all sweet and innocent.  UNTIL I take a bite and boom, raisins.  Lets just say, you all probably know how that ended up.  Thank you @Chicagoista for rescuing me.


Next up – back to Dublin.

Sorry to report – Dublin is somewhat a dud.  I even tried to make a fun pun at customs in Amsterdam…

Border Patrol: Where are you headed to?

Me: You can find me in the ‘Dub (you know, a play off of 50 Cent’s ‘You Can Find Me in the Club’ – note, puns do NOT translate well).

One positive aspect – Guinness.

Here’s a few photos to document our day in the Dub:

dublin (2)guinnes gate  temple bar

Notice a trend…beer in Prague. Heineken in Amsterdam. Guinness in Dublin.  My kind of souvenirs.

beer collageAnd that, my dear friends, is a recap of my whirl-wind 1-week-Euro-adventure-to-check-off-my-bucket-list.  Until my next trip…

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain

A (Marketing) Dream Come True!

Ahhhh, that moment when one of your dreams (personal or professional) comes true!  I’ve had a LOT of great things happen in my life (and yes, I’ve also had a lot of really really really crappy things happen). This week, add another great thing to my list!

Back-story: for the last 3 or 4 years, I have to admit…I watch The Bachelor/The Bachelorette on Monday nights.  For a few reasons:

1) It’s cheaper than therapy.  Just when I get down on myself or sad, I watch the show and think ‘nah, I’m good.  REALLY good,”

2) I would meet up with a dear friend and we would swap stories, eat yummy food and drink a few bottles of wine.

3) Particularly, over the last year, I came to know that @HuffPostWomen would do a recap on Tuesdays featuring various tweets about the show. 

Enter my goal – to have one of my tweets about The Bachelor/The Bachelorette included in that roundup.

Ladies and gents, Tuesday 1/14/14, the day one of my tweets was featured!  Not only that, but my twitter handle was included in the first 5. MAJOR.

You can read it here 🙂 Or for your viewing pleasure…




Now, on to my next dream (get one of the celeb crushes I follow on Twitter to notice me….oh wait, that may be in progress). Stay tuned!