Playing tourist/tour guide in Chicago!

I make friends easily. Quick backstory on this post, last year I volunteered for an episode of Restaurant Impossible (RI) on Food Network. It. Was. Amazing.  Needless to say, I became friends with 2 of the crew guys (Gabe and Angelo – they are brothers).  Awesome dudes. 

Here is a photo of me with the talented, fabulous, hilarious, nice, etc…dudes from the shoot last year:


That’s Gabe on the left, me in the middle and Angelo on the right.

Flash-forward over a year later and RI is shooting just over an hour away in Indiana.  Unfortunately, I was unable to volunteer again.  The next shoot was scheduled in Wisconsin just a few days after.  The guys then planned on driving through the great city of Chicago.  Over the course of a few Facebook messages and texts…what I thought was going to be a quick dinner on Friday turned into a 24 hour adventure!

First up: Dinner at Rockit Bar and Grill.  If you haven’t been there, I’m telling you to go now.  And get the truffle tots.  Trust me.  You can also follow Amanda on Twitter.  She’s the executive chef/partner/Truffle tot master.  My friend (made on the set – she was another volunteer!) Lisa and her sister Bernadette met up with us for dinner – before they head off to the theater. 

While Lisa and Bernadette were at the theater, I took the boys to Sears (yes, it will ALWAYS bee Sears tower.  None of this Willis stuff).  Granted I am a life-long native of Illinois and have been to Chicago plenty of times whether for fun, visiting friends or family or other.  This, this was only my second time going up the tower.  Please take a moment and enjoy the views…


After that, we met back up with Lisa and Bernadette, hit up a few bars in River North and returned to my condo for an exhilarating night of games.  That’s right, I’m talking Jenga, Operation, Taboo.  Drinks, food, games…welcome to a Friday night with me!

Everyone left then and had decided to meet up for brunch.  Apparently the boys couldn’t handle it, so that 10am brunch turned into a 12pm lunch/brunch at Grand Lux Cafe.

Next up: a river tour!  The Chicago Architecture Foundation tour was all booked up so we took the Wendella River Architecture Tour.  It was awesome! 75 minutes of some Chicago history mixed with architecture, a trip out onto Lake Michigan and some of the cheapest drinks 🙂  Highly recommend it.  Enjoy the photos below (yes, yes Chicago is an amazing city!)



After the boat tour, we stopped by Chuck’s Manufacturing bar attached to the Hard Rock Hotel.  Enjoyed a few drinks there and then…

…headed off to the bean!  Or formally known as the Cloud Gate.  Perfect weather for some photo ops



We then walked to Navy Pier to finish out the night.  Had to ride the Ferris Wheel.  And riding it right after sunset…awesome.




And that’s all folks!  Until next time

Warming a house…

Recently, I had a house (condo/apartment) warming party. Granted, it was 6 months after I moved in, but hey…better late than never! Me and my OCD self planned and prepped for a good month prior to the shin-dig (insert single jokes here). Menu, color scheme, drinks, oh my! Over all, the party was a success – bringing together all different groups of friends.

Back to my menu and color scheme and drinks. I opted to do a black/white/silver/zebra theme. Plates, napkins, silverware, displays, candy, labels, even my outfit.  (insert second round of single jokes here).

I’ll apologize now – I forgot to take photos of EVERYTHING (too busy being a hostess!)


Apple Bars.  Can you say ‘only 3 ingredients’?!


Caprese Skewers.  Italians do it best.


Lemon Mousse. Lemon Mouse in mini martini glasses. Lemon Mousse in mini martini glasses with chalkboard label.


Just a sampling of alcoholic beverages available.


The bloggers (and longest lasting party guests!)

I also had homemade pulled pork sliders, warm corn dip, orange glazed turkey meatballs, homemade chicken nugs, homemade cheese sticks, mint cheesecake brownies, peanut butter cookies, trio of dips and chips, vodka soaked gummy bears (and you KNOW the gummy bears were black and white.  Ok not really black – but grape and black cherry), pumpkin dip, ham salsa pickle roll-ups (for my friend Raine…not sure anyone else was able to try any!), and a mojito bar!  I was worried I didn’t have enough food or drinks.

To all of those who attended, ate, drank and warmed my house (condo/apartment) – I THANK YOU!

Until my next soiree…cheers!

Today, today lets celebrate a ‘Golden’ anniversary!

Sophia. Dorothy. Rose. Blanche. Yes, that’s right….The Golden Girls! For my loyal followers, you may have read the about me page and know how obsessed I am with the GG. I even am the proud owner of all 7 seasons on DVD (please, don’t judge!)


To commemorate, let’s enjoy my favorite 10 GG quotes that still can make someone laugh today:

10. Sophia: I’m depressed. I need a cookie.

9. Rose: Oh Dorothy, I’m glad you’re here. Meet Mr. Terrific.

Dorothy: Oh, Mr. Terrific. Meet Mrs. Severely Depressed.

8. Dorothy: You’ll Have to excuse my mother; she suffered a slight stroke a few years ago, which rendered her totally annoying.

7. Blanche: I need both of my kidneys. You know what’ll happen if I give her one? My ankles’ll swell, my eyes’ll puff up. I’ll look just like the Pillsbury Doughboy!

6. Sophia: Why do blessings wear disguises? If I were a blessing, I’d run around naked

5. Blanche: I swear with God as my witness, I will never pick up another man! In a library … on a Saturday … unless he’s cute … and drives a nice car … Amen. Sophia: I’m depressed. I need a cookie.

4. Rose: Is it possible to be in love with two men at the same time? Blanche: Well, let’s set the scene — have we been drinking?

3. Sophia: Excuse me Rose, but I haven’t had sex in fifteen years and its starting to get on my nerves.

2. Rose: Can I ask a dumb question?

Dorothy: Better than anyone I know…

1. my favorite, and included in the opening credits by Blanche…”jumpier than a virgin at a prison rodeo”

Yes, 28 years ago, these 4 ladies came into our living rooms – bringing laughs, breaking barriers, discussing ‘taboo’ topics during that time, and proving that old ladies can have just as much fun. So slice up a cheesecake, bust out some shoulder pads and celebrate one of the most iconic TV shows produced. For 7 seasons these ladies lit up the screen…and will continue for many years to come thanks to my DVD collection (no, I won’t let you borrow, you don’t even KNOW what I went through to get these!). Cheers to the original Sex and the City.


**I did not create this image, nor know who the appropriate creator is. If you know, I will gladly give credit!

Also, let’s take a moment to remember 3 of the actresses who are no longer with us…

Estelle Getty (7/25/23 – 7/22/08)

Bea Arthur (5/13/23 – 4/25/09)

Rue McCLanahan (2/21/34 – 6/3/10) **also, a virtual high-five to a fellow KAO

Betty White – you keep on rockin’!

Traveling Tales

I recently took a trip to Las Vegas for one of my friend’s bachelorette party. As per usual, my traveling adventures are never a dull moment.

Let’s consider this post, the ‘departure’ post:

I arrive at the airport (driving) – was going just fine, hardly any traffic, many parking spots to choose from. As I put my terrible parking skills to use, I find a spot close to the elevators (hey, I’m not about to walk far with my suitcase AND carry on, pft! That’s a workout!). I park, adjust, park again. Pull out my suitcase, grab my bag, lock my SUV and proceed to the elevator.

There happens to be two airport workers, standing there, on their smoke break. And we ALL know how happy and helpful airport workers are. Well…out of the blue, one of the workers (between puffs and gossiping) yells to me and we have this following conversation:
airport worker:”hey ma’am…you need to move your vehicle”
me: “um, what?!”
aiport worker: “they’ll charge you $75 a day to park there”
me: “um, what?!”
airport worker: “you just parked your vehicle in a non-SUV space, which will charge you $75 a day…”
me: “um, what?! How, why”
airport worker: “yah, that big red sign on the post in front of the space you just parked in says it.”
me: “ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well shows how much I pay attention! Thank you very much.”
airport worker: “no problem, just figured you wouldn’t enjoy paying extra money”
me: “damn straight, THANK YOU!”
*me, walks back to SUV, loads up, moves car 6 spaces away

Now, as I check my phone, ALERT ALERT…’your flight has been delayed by 1 hour’
Oh, crap-o-la.
This means I’m in a bad mood.

I check in my bag, walk solemnly to security….where the lady behind me is a professional gum popper/smacker. And you all know how I feel about that.

Finally, close to going through security, with an obvious look of disdain on my face. The security worker says to me (out of ALL of the crazies standing in line on a Thursday evening) and have the following convo:
security guard: “hey, why the sad look on your face?”
me: “hey, flight was delayed an hour”
security guard: “oh, well that’s not too bad, at least you are going on a trip! Where are you headed?”
me: “yah, an hour late to Las Vegas for a bachelorette party”
security guard: “oh…are you getting hitched?”
me: “yah….NO.”
**proceeds through scanner while rolling my eyes

Next up, I need a drink! Surprise, surprise. So I stop at a bar near my gate. I order a beer. The bartender tells me “oh girl, I love your nails” (PS…nails are black with gold crosses…DIY!). Me (silently in my head…give me my beer)…oh thanks, on to Vegas, flight delayed, need a beer, keep tab open. Other bartender…”that a girl!”

Ok, one beer in and I need food. I go to order a deelish (sarcasm) chicken sandwich. The cashier says “oh that’s such a pretty necklace! I’ve been looking for one of those and finally bought one just like it.” Me, at this point annoyed with everyone wanting to chat with me, “oh, thanks. I’d like a #10 with fries”

I sit down, drink my 2nd beer, eat my chicken sandwich and some lady next to me starts chatting. Of course. Yes, I’m going to Vegas for a bachelorette party, not mine. I have on 2 spray tans, and a flight delayed an hour. She left 10 minutes later.

Finally, boarding time! I choose my seat, after my 2 beers and good thing I only had 2 because I was included in the ‘you are sitting in/near an exit row and do you feel competent to meet the requirements should your assistance be needed in an emergency evacuation’….

The older gentlemen tells me he likes my outfit, and my nails, and excited for me to go to Vegas for a party.

Me – time to take a nap on the plane.

Until Part 2 of my Vegas Vacation…


Hey, look! It’s my first post.

And I’m off!  Here it goes, my first attempt at a blog after many, many, many requests to start one.  Apparently between my everyday encounters of commuting chronicles, celebrity sightings, enjoying liquid libations, being a snack food afficianado, dating dilemmas, giving myself a Burberry pedi and random wittiness…that’s the right combo for a blog!  Plus, I have a lot of free time.  I feel it is my civic duty to entertain all of you – becuase I am, after all, an exciting girl with a boring life!